Thursday, August 20, 2009

SINPE and the Web Client Software Factory

A few days ago, I read that the Microsoft Patterns and Practices (PnP) group is working on a new release for the Web Client Software Factory (WCSF). As some of you know, I work on Central Bank of Costa Rica in the development of the National Payments System (SINPE). We are using the WCSF and I wrote a post for the PnP group to know that we appreciate their work and are interested in knowing about their new releases.

I tried to explain a little bit of how we use the WCSF. The post is on, and if you want to read it, it says:
Hi. I read you are building a list of customers using WCSF. Well, I'm writing on behalf of the National Payments System (SINPE) of Costa Rica (Central America).This system is developed by the Central Bank of Costa Rica ( SINPE offers more than 40 applications (services) and has more than 1500 users, being one of the most important systems of our country.
Currently, SINPE is a Windows Client Application that uses .NET Remoting for client-server communication, but we are developing a number of new finantial services for a new web portal built using the WCSF. This web portal will offer several new finantial services for the people of Costa Rica. Each service is built as a module in the WCSF and operates under a common Framework using EntLib 4.
This new web portal will be publicly accesible thought the Internet (, and we are also building a portal for finantial institutions in Costa Rica that will operate on our extranet.These composite websites are planned to be released on late September, 2009.
As you can see, we use the WCSF extensively and are very interested in knowing more about the roadmap of the WCSF, specially on using EntLib 5.
On my personal behalf, I'd like to see the next features on the new release of WCSF:
- Integration of ASP.NET MVC
- Using of Unity for Dependency Injection
- Integration with EntLib 5
Thanks for your work, PnP team!

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